The site is evolving over time. Today it is different than what we had as our course outline :). Today i am not going to cover about what he taught in the class. I want to talk more on exam.
The exam is very different than other final exam i am used to. First difference is it just covers 20% of total marks. 80% was already covered in class work. Another fundamental difference is it is open book, open copy, open Internet, everything open. It is my first experience of so open exam. As i am used to traditional type of exam where questions are extracted from books exercise and class tutorials with little bit of modification. But as its all open i am pretty sure question will not come from those texts. So guessing exam question is little difficult. It can be any thing. It is scary. If you can not guess the question how are you going to prepare for it?
So for preparation, went through some class reading materials but in the back of the mind was it is of no use as they are no coming in the exam. So preparation = no preparation.
Finally exam started and got the question. Great wait was over. Question went like this:
Read the attached article and do a critical review of it in terms of impact of technological development in education worldwide in next 10 years.

I went through the article. I thought it was easy and could finish in 15 minutes. Then Parkinson's Law kicked in. I used whole 3hrs time allocated for the exam. What ever i found critical that i liked and that i did not liked about the article wrote in a file and emailed.
All these are just a background for real motive of writing this blog. Actually while doing critical review, I tried to Google the title of the article and the author name thinking it must have been published in some magazine and assumed there will be e version of it. But to my surprise i could not find it.
So I thought if i can blog it then in future someone can find it here. (Above picture of the article is put with out any permission from the author. :) Actually i don't know who owns the copy right of the question. It could be big debating issue for the next blog.) Someone preparing for the Innovation exam can get hint from this blog.
As I am creating this blog I got an idea. If there is a site where people can blog or upload picture of the the exam paper then it can be great archive for future students. I am thinking about free question bank. Internet technology should help not only to get teaching materials but should help find the questions. Any one interested in this idea?
1 comment:
As the world is moving forward towards technological singularity more emphasis should be given on how to solve problems rather than how to convert our neurons into information warehouse.
Similar kind of examination must have been practiced elsewhere frequently, but we are still new to the concept. Hope same will be adapted elsewhere too.
Btw, I was lucky to see behind you and experience how parkinson's law affected you :)
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