Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Experience 2011/09/16
Title will be in format "Experience [date]". This post is basically
for my future reference. It may not be organized at all and may be in
form of bits and pieces.
I was trying to run TIMSCore on my HP-MINI on Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS. I am
using dual boot system and my project file is in windows
partition(fat32). I wanted to use same files from linux as well.
I setup named virtualhost and changed hosts file. While try to open
the site, there was Forbidden error. Access right problem. Tried to
change through chmod 777, did not work. Found out access right is set
during mounting. Searched for changing it. Some suggested to change
fstab and set dmask and fmask correctly. But those things i found
really complicated. So what i did was changed the user who runs
apache. :) It is not a production server so i can do anything.
User ritesh
Group ritesh
Added to httpd.conf. Now its me who is running apache, I have access
to those files so forbidden problem solved.
Next problem was showing error "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected
':', expecting ')'........". Thought it may be due to model so try to
regenerate it. Then there was another problem. When issued
$ ./symfony propel:build-model
error: [propel-om] Could not perform XLST transformation. Make sure
PHP has been compiled/configured to support XSLT.
It was due to missing xsl extension so installed it.
$ sudo aptitude install php5-xsl
It solved the problem. Generated model. Parsing error still there.
That error was in automatically generated admin code so i checked
generator.yml file. Missing space after : in full_name label was
causing the problem. Silly mistakes.
Enabled rewrite module and everything worked fine in normal mode as well.
$ a2enmod rewrite
So far so good. :)
#unorganized #notes #symfony #ubuntu #TIMS
Monday, September 5, 2011
RMT Folder Structure
RMT Folder Structure:
1) ArchiveBin - holds completed course and project files
1.1) CourseStudy
1.2) Project
2) Blogs - holds materials created for a blog like pictures etc.
3) CourseStudy - holds currently studying course files like assignments, course materials etc.
4) DevBin - holds currently working project files like source code, design documents etc.
5) IdeaLabs - holds new my ideas in form of sketch or text description.
6) MailBox - holds offline mail files.
7) MediaBox - holds different media created by me.
7.1) rmtAudios - recorded sound files
7.2) rmtPictures - dslr or webcam clicked photos
7.3) rmtVideos - dslr or webcam captured videos
8) Personal - holds home and family related documents like financial status, loans, health files etc.
9) Prospect - holds prospective projects, conference, job etc.
10) Repos - holds svn or git repository of a project
11) TestRoom - holds source files used for testing commands, api, framework functionality.
Simple process:
IdeaLabs or Prospect --> DevBin or CourseStudy --> ArchiveBin
Future --> Present --> Past
I have made separate partition to hold this content.
I hope this structure will make my life little easer. If anyone has any suggestion to improve above structure or have totally different view to solve it then your comments are most welcome.