I am swamped with files and i am feeling drowned. Everyday i create many many files like photographs, project proposals, source files, material for blog, jot down of a wonderful idea, solution of difficult course assignment etc etc. And also I need to refer to old files like completed project files, source codes i wrote in past, courses i took in past etc. As i am knowledge worker these file are everything for me. As i am switching from different type of tasks, it is very easy to forget the file location and put multiple copy of same file at different location. To simplify the situation, i need to define configuration of folders and simple process. So i come up with "RMT Folder Structure".
RMT Folder Structure:
1) ArchiveBin - holds completed course and project files
1.1) CourseStudy
1.2) Project
2) Blogs - holds materials created for a blog like pictures etc.
3) CourseStudy - holds currently studying course files like assignments, course materials etc.
4) DevBin - holds currently working project files like source code, design documents etc.
5) IdeaLabs - holds new my ideas in form of sketch or text description.
6) MailBox - holds offline mail files.
7) MediaBox - holds different media created by me.
7.1) rmtAudios - recorded sound files
7.2) rmtPictures - dslr or webcam clicked photos
7.3) rmtVideos - dslr or webcam captured videos
8) Personal - holds home and family related documents like financial status, loans, health files etc.
9) Prospect - holds prospective projects, conference, job etc.
10) Repos - holds svn or git repository of a project
11) TestRoom - holds source files used for testing commands, api, framework functionality.
Simple process:
IdeaLabs or Prospect --> DevBin or CourseStudy --> ArchiveBin
Future --> Present --> Past
I have made separate partition to hold this content.
I hope this structure will make my life little easer. If anyone has any suggestion to improve above structure or have totally different view to solve it then your comments are most welcome.
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